Plans to manage traffic during construction works to the new junction on Skellingthorpe Road/Birchwood Avenue in Lincoln, which will open up the Western Growth Corridor site, have been updated.
This is following earlier consultation in March 2023.
The Western Growth Corridor development project, which is on land jointly owned by City of Lincoln Council and Lindum Western Growth Corridor Ltd, received planning permission in January 2022, with detailed consent for the two access points into the site, one at Skellingthorpe Road to the south of the site, and the second access on Tritton Road to the east of the site.
The target date for the main construction works to commence is 7 August 2023.
The construction is expected for around 52 weeks, leading to the creation of a new signalised junction on Skellingthorpe Road, with access into the Western Growth Corridor site. Traffic management plans will be introduced to maintain and control the flow of traffic and to ensure the safety of the public and those working on the scheme.
The start date will be confirmed, with advanced notice signs and further information for local residents and business available 4 weeks prior to the start of the main works.
During the works, the latest in technology temporary three-way traffic signals will be installed and active at all times at the junction of a Skellingthorpe Road and Birchwood Avenue. These signals will be designed to allow traffic to be moving in all directions during the works.
These traffic controls will be closely monitored and managed on site, with changes or additional measures put in place as required to manage any incidents on the wider road network.
Pedestrian access will be maintained as well as access for residents and businesses at all times, with relevant signage in place.
Ahead of the main works starting, there will be some further enabling works taking place on the site in preparation. This is alongside the works to the land at the Church of the Latter Day Saints and will include setting up the main site compound and associated work.
In addition to the work on the site itself, there will be a short period of further enabling works which is expected to take place at the start of the school summer holidays, during the week commencing 24th July, requiring 1 week traffic management on Skellingthorpe Road.
Once these works are complete, the first phase of the Western Growth Corridor housing development will follow in early 2024 with the delivery of the first phase of homes subject to planning permissions.
The first 300 homes will be accessed via this new southern access and will include a range of market houses. The overall vision for the development includes open green space, landscape features and accessible, attractive routes for pedestrians.
Cllr Naomi Tweddle, Portfolio Holder for Inclusive Economic Growth at City of Lincoln Council said: “We understand the frustrations which can come from the traffic control measures in place.
“We hope that the introduction of the three-way traffic lights at Birchwood Avenue will help to go some way to addressing local concerns and we will continue to monitor arrangements throughout the works.
“We apologise for the inconvenience the works may cause, however putting this infrastructure in place now will greatly benefit residents, businesses and visitors in years to come.”
Mark Burnett, Director at Lindum Western Growth Corridor Ltd. added: “We are really pleased to see years of hard work finally translating into activity on site.
“While we appreciate there will be some inevitable disruption, we are confident this work will benefit the city of Lincoln in the longer term.
“We thank everyone for their patience while we deliver this significant development.”
Plans showing the works along with FAQ’s can be viewed at