The Newland Traffic Signal Junction Improvement project is due to commence on Monday 15 April 2024.
Preliminary Outline Proposals:
The Newland Traffic Signal Junction Improvement project is due to commence on Monday 15 April 2024.
The scheme including drainage, kerbing, footways, new carriageway, and traffic signal replacement of Carholme Road and Lucy Tower Street junctions, is being built under a west-bound road closure along Newland, between The Avenue and Wigford Way. Traffic will be able to travel in an eastbound direction only shown in green arrows in the plan below.
After 9.30am on Monday 15 April 2024, once the west-bound lane closure is installed, access to the Brayford Waterfront and Lucy Tower Street Car Park will be from an east-bound direction. Traffic exiting from Lucy Tower Street and Wigford Way will be unable to turn left onto Newland and must join the one-way traffic travelling eastbound and follow the diversion route shown as blue arrows in the plan below.
The existing permanent traffic signals at Carholme Road and Lucy Tower Street junctions will also be switched off from 15 April 2024 and replaced with temporary traffic signals. The pedestrian crossing outside County Offices will be bagged off and the temporary traffic signals at the Lucy Tower Street junction will include a pedestrian crossing phase.
The signed diversion for the westbound road closure will be Broadgate A1434, Kesteven St, East West Link Road (Tentercroft Street), Rope Walk, Brayford Way (University Bridge) as shown in green below.

As the works progress, there will be various full road closures implemented for the carriageway surfacing works, but they will be at night between 7pm and 6am. The proposed phasing of the works for the first 10 weeks are summarised below.
Proposed Project Timeline: Weeks 1-10
Week 1 to 10
- Westbound road closure whilst traffic signal, drainage and footway works are being completed.
Further information will be issued ahead of any changes to the traffic management along with advance warning signs out on site for the full road closures. There will also be updates posted on the LCC website and our Public Liaison Officer’s contact information is below for any further information you may require.
Public Liaison Officer for the project; Sophie Ward-Owen Telephone: – (07495) 916383
Email: –